▲ 点击观看《High Pitch 声量》第三期

人物名片 /  Profile 

马晓利(Massimo Bagnasco)


Massimo Bagnasco

Vice President European Union Chamber of Commerce in China; 

CEO & Founder of China Europe Carbomn Neutral Technology (Chengdu) Co., Ltd,; 

Well-known Italian architect, urban and spatial planning expert.


Chunxi road is always crowded with pedestrians, similarly, Massimo’s life is filled with his work, which makes him like one of those pedestrians who walks with a quick step. From getting out of the taxi, wearing his tie, to facing the camera in our studio, he only used three and a half minutes.


"From 2004 till now, I cannot remember how many times I’ve visited Chengdu." Last August, Massimo moved to Sichuan with his family. "Now I can eat ‘Zhongla’(medium level of spicy)!" Massimo expressed that apart from his business, in this city, he has owned his life.


Why does he choose Sichuan? In his eyes, what’s the potential that Sichuan has in international business and attracting foreign investment?



ABOUT Carbon Neutrality: 

Green energy in Sichuan is attracting foreign investment 


During the 40-minute interview, green energy nearly is frequently mentioned by Massimo.


"I do believe that achieving peak CO2 emissions and carbon neutrality is not just a work or a business; it’s a mission that requires us to serve our planet and to develop our economic model into a more sustainable one."


"Sichuan has a large number of potential consumers and huge natural resources which can be used in the production of renewable energy." Therefore, from Massimo’s point of view, the clean and stable supply of energy is one of the most important reasons why Sichuan can attract foreign investment.


The policies in Sichuan for the protection and development of green energy helped Massimo see the opportunity of the cooperation between Sichuan and Europe. "Europe has rich experience in dealing with environmental issues. I hope the cooperation between China and the EU can help the two sides learn from each other and realize the ‘carbon neutrality’ and ‘emission peak’," Massimo said.


In addition, Massimo believes that realizing carbon neutrality is not only about energy transformation and reducing the use of fossil fuels; it also requires people to change their lifestyles, which will to some extent promote the transformation and upgrading of the economic structure, thus generating new industries and new jobs.


"I think Chinese people’s quick response to new things will be a huge advantage in achieving carbon neutrality." Massimo said.



About The Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle: It should create synergies


The EU Chamber of Commerce has been established in 2000 with 51 members, but now, it has 1800 members.


The construction of the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle has been put in the spotlight, especially among EU companies. Massimo thinks that the development of the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle also contributes to the development of Sichuan.


From the business confidence survey of the EU Chamber of Commerce, the infrastructure and the business environment in Sichuan earned very positive comments. Massimo holds the opinion that in the future, the construction of the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle will offer the two cities more chances to cooperate. "Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle will be, in my opinion, a great opportunity, not only for the two big cities but also for all other small clusters that we have in between. The joint partnership between the Chengdu Science City and the Chongqing Liangjiang Science City is a good example."


Massimo said that Chengdu is the third city in China that has "dual-hub international airports", and it’s also the departure station of the Chengdu-Europe Express Rail. With the help of the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle, the two cities will usher in new opportunities for further development. "But these opportunities are not limited to the two cities. Other cities between the two cities can also benefit from the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle."


Massimo expressed, he hopes that the construction of the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle could create synergies and be developed from an international perspective which allows international entities to play a role in the process.


At the same time, For European enterprises in Sichuan, Massimo believes that for an enterprise, the ability to transform competition into synergies determines it to become a truly successful and more competitive company.

四川国际传播中心面向全球重磅推出《High Pitch 声量》高端人物访谈系列视频栏目,依托与省内60个党政机构、21市州、国家级智库、国内外主流媒体的联合生产机制,与全球有影响力的人物对话,并通过四川国际传播中心官方英文网站Center、Twitter、Facebook、YouTube等海外社交媒体及川观新闻等平台同步推出。

High Pitch, a top-notch interview series shall see its heavyweight global debut where talks to people with global influence will take place. The series will be brought to you on SICC's SNS matrix including center.top, Twitter, Facebook, Youtube Channel and Chuanguan News App.


思想是时代的声音。作为四川国际传播中心重磅打造的高端访谈视频栏目,《High Pitch 声量》面向全球访谈影响力人士,用亲历者、见证者、推动者的思想和故事,展现丰富多彩、生动立体的四川与中国。

《High Pitch 声量》的主角,来自政治、经济、科技、体育、文化等领域,他们可能是国内外政商精英、智库专家、社会各界知名人士,可能是见证热点事件的关键人物,也可能是推动“国相交、民相亲”的一把钥匙……

我们希望《High Pitch 声量》能成为一个思想交流与智慧碰撞的平台,以开放、自信、谦逊、谦和的姿态,让世界感知可信、可爱、可敬的中国。

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四川国际传播中心记者 邓翔沣 赵雨祺