
Damselfly: A primitive insect that "looks like" a dragonfly


Big bulging eyes, wing-shaped wings, and slender bodies— an insect has all theappearance features that thedragonfly has. However, it is not a dragonfly. It is called damselfly.


Both dragonflies and damselflies are flying insects belonging to the order Odonata. However, the dragonfly belongs to the infraorder Anisoptera, while the damselfly belongs to the suborder Zygoptera, which is a relatively primitive class of insects. There are about 650 species in China. It accounts for 10% of the total number of dragonflies in the world.


Although the body of the adult damselflylooks very slender and frail, the damselfly is a carnivorous insect. They are good at preying on small flying insects in the air, but due to their small size and slow flight speed, the damselfly mainly feeds on tiny mosquitoes, flies, aphids and other insects. Occasionally, the damselfly will prey on the little damselfly.