Seeing Sichuan from Satellite④ | 12 Years after Wenchuan Earthquake, What those Places We Keep in Mind Look like now?


WenChuan Earthquake, which happened 12 years ago in Sichuan, still affects all Chinese people's heart.


The names of the places, WenChuan, BeiChuan, QingChuan, MianZhu, ShiFang, Dujiangyan, whether familiar or unfamiliar to people, were remembered in relation to the violent earthquake in 2008.


Today, we see a group of new landmarks which have healed the wounds left by the earthquake become the symbols of the region, representing the fresh image and characteristics after the rebirth. Let's follow the satellite to see the present looks of these places.

制作  田为 朱文博 李蕾 翻译 唐乐韵

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