On the afternoon of August 29, media practitioners from many countries and regions around the world visited Sichuan International Communication Center.
外宾们通过PPT、视频、海报等媒介形式深入了解“灵感中国 Inspiration”国际传播旗舰视频平台,其“古蜀文化、旅游地理、川菜美食、动漫网游、国潮中医、现代艺术、科幻传奇”等丰富多彩的内容引得外宾连连称赞。“中国地大物博,是我最喜欢的国家。我最感兴趣的是中国功夫,有机会一定要去峨眉山参观。”塞尔维亚记者协会编辑拉瓦·普雷德拉格说道。
The visitors had an in-depth understanding of SICC's video program "Inspiration" which is a prominent video platform for International Communication as well as the “PandaGuide” mini program designed for expatriates. And they showed great interest.
This event not only deepened the understanding of foreign media practitioners on Sichuan, but also laid a good foundation for media practitioners in China and other countries to carry out deeper and more extensive cooperation.